+49 (0)203-72974858

Rizal Hasan


Geboren 1992 in Gresik, Indonesien. Ausgebildet am „Indonesia Institute of Arts“, Yogyakarta, Indonesien

Die Inspirationen für seine Bilder stammen für Rizal von alltäglichen Dingen in seinem Leben, von wie Comics, Filmen und Animationen bis hin zu Musik. Rizal fügt seinen Gemälden immer einige Worte hinzu, damit das Publikum die Emotionen zwischen dem Konzept seines Gemäldes und der Botschaft, die dem Publikum übermittelt werden sollte, spüren kann.

Meine neuesten Bilder handeln von traditionellen indonesischen Mythen, nämlich Gharuda, Barong, Macan und auch Naga. Der Mythos, der tief in unserer Nation und manchmal auch in unserer Lebensphilosophie verwurzelt ist. Aus dem traditionellen Mythos möchte ich ihn in meine neuesten Gemälde als Symbole für Mut, Wahrheit und Güte übernehmen.

Rizal draws inspiration for his paintings from everyday things in his life, from comics, films and animation to music. Rizal always adds some words to his paintings so that the audience can feel the emotions between the concept of his painting and the message that should be conveyed to the audience.

The series of my latest paintings are talking about indonesian traditional myths, which are gharuda,barong, macan and also naga. The myth that deeply rooted in our nation and also sometimes in our philosophy of life. From traditional myth I want to adopt it into my latest paintings as the symbols of courage,truth and goodness.







"MAKE 'EM AWW." Group Show at YOTOMY ART GALLERY, Duisburg, Germany

2023 ART Jakarta Gardens with facade gallery, Jakarta
2023 ART Jakarta Gardens with Semarang Gallery, Jakarta
2022 Group Show at Tang Contemporary Bangkok

2022 ARTJOG 2022

2022 ARTJAKARTA 2022

2021 Art Toys Exhibition Gandaria City “Habitat”, Museum of Toys Jakarta
2021 Art Exhibition Talenta Art Organizer Plaza Indonesia Jakarta
2021 Group exhibition WARTA at Jogja Gallery, Indonesia
2021 Group Exhibition POP UP POP ART Laputa artspace & Suomei M50 gallery, China

2020 Group Exhibitiion Mini Sexy #2 at Ruang Dalam Yogyakarta
2020 A Letter To Basquiat #1 at Artemis Gallery, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
2020 A Letter To Basquiat #2 at Langgeng Art Gallery, Yogyakarta

2020 Art Jakarta Virtual Exhibition with Edwin’s Gallery, Jakarta

2019 Group Exhibition Jogja Art Week, Yogyakarta
2019 Group Exhibition “ A Series of a Mini Exhibitions” at JNM Yogyakarta

2019 Art Jakarta Ruang Dalam 2019
2019 Group Exhibition 100 years of Widayat at Ruang Dalam Yogyakarta
2019 Group Exhibition UNAIDS Saya Berani, Art Spehere Gallery at Gran Mahakam Hotel Jakarta Selatan
2019 Group Exhibition Transposisi at Langgeng Art Space & Gallery Yogyakarta